Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I havent been blogging for a while. Basically, I am just too lazy to type out a few hundred words talking about my life and random stuff, hahah.

Chinese o-levels are finally OVER! :D I had been studying Chinese with the Purple Buds!! (Name courtesy of Joelle/Shermaine) Various places we have studied at: My house, Dion's house (where I ended up playing Wii), Joelle's house (Waffles!!! She's a dog btw)
I have also been exercising quite a bit with them too. Gym, swim, badminton :) Feeling pretty good about myself now hee.

Chinese o-level's were over, in a snap. Literally. In 5 hours, it's over. 
Everything that I studied did not come up in the exam. LOL. I guess that the whole point of studying is to reassure yourself before you step into the examination venue. Otherwise, for subjects like Chinese and English, studying before an exam can be kind of pretty useless because these subjects count more on consistent work rather than last minute studying.

I have been DESPERATELY looking for a job these few days. I am pretty keen to be a tutor heehee :D Though I know that people are probably looking for full-time/permanent tutors who are willing to guide their child throughout their school year. Hmmm, I wouldn't mind it though I guess the month of Oct would be quite troublesome for me since I would have my year 5 promo exams next year...

So I had Huiyi and Yunyi over at my house today to practice guitar for our guitar auditions tomorrow. Freaking nervous!! I am pretty sure that I will screw it up. Huiyi has been telling me about how good Delirium is (I lent it to her), which is making it pretty funny since Dion had been spazzing over it just a while ago because I lent her Delirium and Pandemonium. Hahah. The 3rd book in the series is coming out next year I think, so it's going to be a long wait.

Hmm, I feel kinda... listless/restless/bored without chinese to study. I still recall bringing chinese stuff everytime I go out and study with my purple buds. Now, it's just weird that I dont have to do that. I still remember feeling guilty (!!) over listening to english/korean songs when I know I should be listening to the chinese radio lol. This is just so weird. I guess it feels like a BIG part of me is gone. Imagine. Without the topic 'Chinese' in my syllabus anymore, I am actually hardly going to take the initiative to make contact with Chinese. Sometimes, I wonder if taking the O-level HCL and then not studying Chinese for the rest of my life is a good thing.

Oh, and I watched Skyfall. It was kinda good, though it seemed much more like a comedy than a Bond movie. I was expecting this movie to be pretty 'dark' and twisted, therefore giving it an edge. BUT, it failed to meet my expectations. The Bond girl (or at least the more interesting one) actually like (spoiler) dies halfway through the movie. When she died, my reaction was "whaaaa?! so that's it?" Yep, don't be surprised if you feel like that too. I mean, we don't even get much of her background info, or how did she get captured/threatened. She just appeared, had sex with Bond (duh.), then dies. Great.
Overall, you would walk into Skyfall expecting a whole lot more, but getting a lot more less. There is less action, less pretty girls, less complicated and intriguing plot lines. There is only one thing that there is a lot of, in fact too much of, the comedy. Yeah, some were pretty funny, but some just felt out-of-place. Hello? Is this is Bond movie or a comedy???
I would give this movie a grade B.

I went to Nex with my maternal extended family yesterday! Happy Deepavali. Was intending to go to Punggol Waterway, but it started raining. We then had dinner at my house, and watched a slideshow of some old photos of ours where we laughed at weird poses and funny hairstyles of the past decade. 

That's all for today~!

I need to get a job.