Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Yippee! Exams are over. So it is back to doing the stuff I like - manga, anime, dramas! :D

Yesterday was quite fun. Got a call at 3 from Nicole asking me to go Grace's house. Was totally unexpected! I rushed all the way there as they said that they were already at serangoon when they called me. WHAT.

Played badminton while the poor cmps people did their work. Technically some cmps people played with the non-cmps ones too.

Was very fun. Brushed up my skills. It was really hard playing after so long. My wrist's aching now from volleyball and badminton. Oh yeah, we didn't get in top 8 D: saddd. the second match, our morale was really low and that kinda made us lose. we were like did we get in??? huh huh huh??? as there were a lot of mix-ups. went to watch "The other guys". It was quite funny but full of sick jokes. Technically, not very worth the money.

Gonna go buy nicole's camera later, and maybe play badminton again. haha.
Gonna check scripts tomorrow. sian! (praying hard)

In case you were wondering who the hot guys were (^), they are from Strobe Edge, Andou and Ren. COOLLLLLLL RIGHT :d

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