Friday, June 22, 2012

School blues

School is starting next week...
I really don't want that to happen.
I feel as if there are so many things that need to be done, which is freaking myself out. Meanwhile, I was doing my UK Journal. I am still on Day 2, good job self.

I am currently contemplating whether I should go for dinner with my 4K classmates. Firstly, I am too lazy to go out. Secondly, reason that cannot be disclosed here, hahah. On the other hand, this is class outing, so I guess I should make an effort to go out right?
This is frustrating.

I also realised that things are made harder for my UK Journal because I need to come up with two or more creative product. I can almost hear the wicked cackling laughter from my literature teachers (though it's hard to imagine Mrs Vora like that, she's too nice). WHY WHY WHY.
I should have just been more hardworking and done my journal every night in UK -.- totally regretting it right now. See kids? This is what happens when you do not do what your teacher tells you to. And it happens all the time.

Anyway, I think the reason why I am taking so long with the journal is because I am trying to make it look nice, decorate it etc. If I just did not care about the prettiness of it all and just wrote whatever was needed, I bet I could be done with it very quickly. AND I REALISED WHAT A MISTAKE I MADE.
Remember the Green Fields poem I wrote? I could have plonked it onto my journal!!! BUT I already posted it on my blog so it's quite evidently not inspiration I got from UK huh. HMMMM.

SHOULD I OR SHOULD I NOT?? (to go for the outing, and to plonk the poem in or not??)
To be or not to be, that is the question. (At least that's something I got from my UK trip)

Meanwhile, I shall continue pondering.

Gosh, whatever, they only said creative product, but it need not be directly from the trip right????? Heh.

Oh, and I watched Prometheus with Huiyi, Sher and Dion. It was actually quite scary lololol. I think we were the only ones squealing in the cinema as frightening parts, hahah. Michael Fassbender acted damn well too :) The whole story is just really intriguing, but then there was practically no questions answered, which made the movie kind of useless actually if you think about it that way.

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