Monday, July 2, 2012


Sometimes, people are the most confusing things ever.

We are unpredictable.

We have no set rules or instructions on how we are supposed to operate.
I guess we have something called the 'politically correct' way but, who really follows it with all their heart?
Feelings get in the way.
Selfishness start taking over.
Our own interests seem to matter more.
Confess it, who hasn't had any of those thoughts?

I do too.

I know everyone's actions have their own reasons behind them, but it is so hard to try and understand them because their actions affect me in an entirely different way.
We come from different sides, different perspectives, different wants.
I am trying hard, but MY selfishness gets in the way and I start getting angry.
At myself and others.

I guess sometimes, people just disappoint me.

All that I want is for you to say yes when you really mean it.
And to do it when you already said yes.
Do not go back on your words.
We had a plan, a promise, albeit a small one, which may seem insignificant but it makes a whole lot of difference.
A difference about how I look at you and myself, our relationship, our friendship.

I hate disappointment.
After so many things that I've been through, more disappointments are just something that I cannot handle any longer.
I need people to mean what they say, and to do what they say.
Stop giving excuses before we both know that they ain't true. They are just attempts aimed at pacifying me, and they ain't working because I'm smart enough to know when something is not true.

I guess I just need people to be a little more reliable.

Either that, or I need to lower my expectations of people.

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