Thursday, March 18, 2010


Today was THE BIG DAY for the trainee docents. We would finally get to put our training to the test and guide visitors around the museum.

The first group of visitors consisted of Amanda, Rachel and a little girl, the sister of someone from 2L. Even though we tried our best to seem lively, I guess we kinda failed at it cause they did seem a bit bored. Must be museum fatigue. xD Rachel did tell us some feedback that we were doing great as we tried to have a conversation with them. :D This is the first group so we should keep our spirits up! :)

The second group was a group of tourists. They were from overseas I think and one of them was I think, married to a Eurasian woman. We guided them and 2 of them seemed spontaneous. The woman, though, seemed kinda bored and started looking around.

The third group was a girl who was the twin of someone in 2L and her younger sister. They seemed kinda interested and that made us happy! :D There was also a docent with them, observing us too I think.

The fourth group consisted of Xuhua, Alvin and a teacher from DHS. They were actually quite erm, observative. Surprisingly. Though Xuhua did say a few unneccessary things. Nearing the end, Nicole came and told us to end quickly as the next group is going to come soon. So, I cut short the part about music.

The fifth and last group, was a group of Malays, possible brothers. They were actually told to watch the movie first as we were actually rushing. They were the most pro-active among all of our tourists. When i held out a picture of P.Ramlee, I thought that the eldest of them all would answer, but in the end, it was actually the youngest one who shouted immediately, "P.Ramlee!" Haha. It is kinda cool actually when you know that they are so interested. :) Grace later also told me that when she talked about the actress who commited suicide, one of them went, "Eh! Why?" And as she continued talking, he went, "Haizzz. Commit suicide....." Haha. So I think that among all of them, they were actually the best group that we received :D

Overall, this experience was a very cool one :D I mean, the self-satisfaction that you get from it is something that cannot be bought and after that 1+ hour of standing, you will feel that it is actually worth it! We had a great time too! If I have a chance, I would do it again! ;)

~being a docent rocks

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