Thursday, April 22, 2010


Had some Cmps stuff yesterday at Pei Hwa Prestabryian (?) Pri Sch yesterday.
We ogranised booths with games and stuff.
The primary school kids were so cute!
One of them actually gt her game stopped halfway but she wanted to continue. She asked me if we were here until friday. But sadly no. D:
We also had NAPFA yesterday. I think that we improved :D

Today's science lesson was SO FUNNY!
Mdm rozana wanted to set some ground rules for the topic that shes gonna teach next: sexual reproduction.
everyone started laughing and stuff.
Mdm roz made many funny comments and that set us off.
Her version of sex education when she was young:
Once upon a time, (mdm) roz, a primary school kid, was feeling bored. She picked up an encyclopedia that belonged to her father. She started flipping and flipping. She fumbled around and played with the pages of the book. Suddenly, she came across something........ a picture of a........... NAKED MAN. She stared agape. There was a (picture of a) man in front of her. Naked. To make things worse, it was not a drawing but a picture. She stared, shocked. (mdm)Roz was bewildered. She could not believe her eyes. Wait. If there is a picture of a naked man....... then there must be a picture of a naked woman! She flipped the pages hurriedly and she found it. OMG! Wait again. If there is a picture of a man and a picture of a woman..... then there must be a picture of a man AND women! She scanned through the pages and voila! She really did find it. And that was how Mdm Roz went through her sex education.
Haha. The actual version is obviously NOT like that. The above is just a funnier one.
The way mdm roz talked about it was hilarious! Her big eyes were like popping out dramatically when she was narrating it too! HAHAHAH. XD
if you wanna say something, say it in front of me and dun talk behind my back.

CLEO by Helen Brown

Storyline: A woman who loses her eldest son is devastated. Her life seems to have no meaning. Just then, a tiny little black cat arrived. She is shocked for the cat was actually for her dead son. He had chosen the cat himself... before he died. Seeing her younger son smile for the first time after his brother's death, the women reluctantly takes in the cat, not knowing that the cat would help in the process of rebuilding her family and life.

Verdict: An okay book which is a good read. It is touching. As the author narrates out signficant incidents and heart-breaking moments, you would definitely be able to connect with her. The cat's death is also heart-rendering and I almost cried. I have a feeling that Yuan Wen will like this cat book!(x

Rating: 3.5/5

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