Sunday, April 1, 2012


March is over and April is here.

How time flies.

The subtleties of every day creep onto you,
Eat away at you,
Consume you,
And become who you are.

I think I have changed.
Somehow, somewhere,
Inside of me,
I have changed.

But the change is slow,
I never know when it happens.

I never know where it happens.

Have I changed for the better?
Have I become a better person,
A better citizen,
A better student,
A better friend,
A better daughter,
A better me?

I do not know.

I ask myself this question every year, on a special day.
I think I will ask myself that question again this year, as I marvel in that one day's speciality that is only known to me, that is only truly treasured by me.

Only time will tell.
And with time comes change.

As time passes,
and the vibrancy of colours fade.

I will probably forget that I ever wrote this.

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