Friday, October 5, 2012

EOYs... are coming to an end!

Okay, so the exams are ALMOST coming to an end! I am left with 3 papers and am looking forward to the coming Wednesday already!!! :D

What I shall definitely do when EOYs are over:
Buy books/ borrow books and immerse myself in fictionalised worlds until harsh reality drags me out from them when I get back my test results
Celebrate and 'high' on my blog!!!
Watch korean dramas.
WATCH TV WITH MY FAMILY (something which I wasn't able to do recently D:)

So far these are the few achievable and realistic 'goals' I have planned for my 'retirement'. Anyway, I have found this interesting book in the library - The Russian Interpreter. Looks interesting so I shall go borrow it :)
Oh, and I am currently desperately to read this other book called The Shoemaker's Wife because all the reviews are full of praise for this novel! *excited* (I just realised how 'no-life' I am because I actually get SO excited over books. HAHA)

I went to eat out with Dion and Zixin today at Hot Tomato, Nex. LA Paper was over, and today was a Friday, so why not just eat and slack? We had great fun just sitting, eating and basically chatting. LOL. We laughed a lot! Zixin laughed so loud until everyone in the restaurant heard her HAHA. We were talking about future boyfriends/husbands and about really really funny stuff HAHAHA. Oh one of the points we were making was about how important it was to find your 'right guy' during university because when you go out to work, everyone will be very competitive (so no one would actually fall in love), and that workplace romance was a no-no.
Funny to say but I think that we are actually quite mature for 16 year olds. HMMM...
Oh, and Dion said that when we clench our fists, the number of fold lines made at the pinky finger will tell us how many relationships we have. If that is true, apparently I will have 6-7. WOW. THAT IS DEFINITELY SO NOT HAPPENING. HAHAHAHA. Yeap, so basically we were laughing at all these weird stuff.

Yesterday, I went walking around Nex (yes again!) with Dion and Huiyi. Initially, our plans were to just buy bubble tea, but it soon evolved into walking and wandering around Nex. It then turned into spazzing over books at Popular (finally found people who are also interested at just flipping through books at Popular). Our physics paper ended yesterday and LA Paper was next, so there was no need to study - this, of course ended up in us wasting time away like yesterday. XD

Recently, something bothering me is the year-end party for year 4s - Dunmania. We are Dunmanians with no end. Get it? Punny right? :D
We have to wear blue/white, which is like, what I don't really have in my wardrobe. And I am just afraid that the party won't really have a 'party' atmosphere. HAIZ. I really shouldn't worry so much, and just go there and have fun :D <-- positive thinking going on here.

Shall study Chem tmrw :D (totally wondering what's this smiley face doing here)

Meanwhile, I am totally giving myself a break (which I am not sure is hard-earned) here.

Oh, and someone, ACTUALLY COMMENTED ON MY BLOG. Ivy (my cousin) did, but it wasn't so much of a 'wow' because she's someone I know. But still, thanks for the comment HAHA.
Anyway, it was a blogger of the blog . Basically, she found my blogpost which talks about Humanities and PSLE, which I posted on Saturday/Sunday. This is really cool because SOMEONE OUT THERE IS ACTUALLY READING MY OPINIONS. (Really similar to when my blog appeared in the news HEE.)
I am just grateful that people actually take my opinions seriously. I do make an effort not to have too many grammatical errors or slangs during one of my more 'serious' blogposts, so it's a pretty nice feeling have to know that my blogposts are appreciated :)

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