Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hey guys! As you know, our school has this SPECIAL tradition. That is, every year will have orientation, unlike the usual 'only-year-1-has-orientation'. :) So, we have an orientation too this year. Ours is only 2 days :( but it is better than nothing. ^^

Day 1, 4 Jan '10
Day 1 was actually not much stuff because there was only this workshop about self-esteem and self development. The workshop was quite okay but I don't think that it was engaging enough. However, the coaches tried really hard to engage us and I think that that was worth commending.
After all that workshop thingy, we had a briefing on the "DHS X'plore" tomorrow. It was going to be something like an amazing race. When the facilitators asked us to cheer, I must say that the 5 or 4 facilitators are louder than the whole of Sec 2(I just typed Sec 1, hehe). Well, we don't really have the excitement.
Afterwards, we had training at 4. It started one hour later than usual because of the orientation. We did a little throwing and fun-go(spell correctly?). We did not do any batting that day. The coach was kinda angry at us becuz although we were going for the ball, we did not dare to bend low enough as we were scared of the ball. Haha. So, we would be doing some practices that would FORCE us to bend, according to coach.

Day 2, 5 Jan '10
Today, we would be having "DHS X'plore". I was in group 2. We had 11 members. Our facilitator (facil) was called Daniel. We were in the auditorium for the final briefing. Then, one of the facil played a recording of the instructions that told us our next destination. The recordings had different speed. It could be super fast or super slow. We were kinda pissed when we could not get the correct instructions. And, when we finally get to hear the 'normal' voice and speed, the group 1 people started screaming when they heard their instructions, causing us to not know what we were supposed to do. So, we waited and waited until we could finally get the right instructions. Argh.
We then proceeded to the hall. We were supposed to make paper aeroplanes and make it land at the black box 3 times while throwing it from the stage. Sounds easy? Not at all. The stage was quite far from the black boxed-shape pasted onto the ground. Finally, we managed to complete it and went on to solve another clue. The answer was Sungei Geylang, which was Geylang River.
We walked to Geylang River and did our next task. It was to take a piece of round chocolate with chopsticks using your left hand and walk about 3 metres to your partner and put the chocolate in his mouth without the chopsticks and chocolate touching his lips. LOL. We finished that and then, went to figure out the clue. The clue was a puzzle and we did not fix it in the end but we knew where it was. XD
We headed to Suntec City. The clue showed the Fountain Of Wealth. We went there and had to play a game. A friend will go some distance away, like 4 metres, and sit. The facil will ask a question about your friend. You will have to write your answer on a plastic sheet. And your friend will too. Then, we will see how well you know your friend. We have to have at least 10 correct answers b4 proceeding. We cheated using communication and hand signs, hehe. Then, the facil eventually stopped us from cheating further.
The next destination was Merlion Park. We had 5 tasks to choose from. We had to complete 2. We chose to take 3 photos with tourists and their local currency. We also chose to do the 'Visa Dance' with the tourists. Haha. 2 tourists were also generous enough to give us two polish coins even though we refused at first.
Next was the flyer. We walked REALLY long to get to the flyer from Merlion Park. *_* We had to stand on a mat which was like 1.5 metres by 0.8 metres. Then, we had to flip the mat over while we were still on it! Haha. It was quite hard at first but we eventually got it. It was actually quite easy. :)
Then, the last destination was Marina Square. We went there but Ms Ling said that there were too many people so it would be better if we went for our 30 min break first. So, we walked around, struggling to decide where to eat. We finally went to Yoshinoya. I ate the student set meal, terriyaki chicken. Then, we went to complete our task. Leelaoshi was there saying that we were very late. Haha. The task was to use the rolled up newspaper to make something like a long tube that would allow the ping pong ball to pass through. We had to make it all the way down like, 40 steps, with a few big long steps in between. We had to try like, 3 times before getting it right. Then, for the bonus round, we did it in just one try! ^.^
Finally, we headed back to school. ;) And the others tried to run to overtake some groups. Heehee. XP An fun day it was!!!
But really tiring!!! >.<


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