Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I do not know what to write for this post's title so u guys will have to settle for the 3 dots. Haha. XD Anyway, I shall talk about today. Hmm... I haven't done that for a looonnnnggggg time. :)

I had softball training today. Seriously, my throwing still sucks. I think my problem is in transferring my energy to the ball. Even though I use a lot of energy, somehow it kinds of dissipate into the surroundings and the ball ends up all loose and slow. So, I think thats my problem. But.... when I throw properly, I cant put my energy into the ball -.- Thats why I used something like side throw last time... Haiz. Anyway, forget about that.

Continuing, when I was on the bus 158 to school, I ran into Joey, Joelle's sis. I did not see her at first until she call my name. I was like thinking, "Gosh! She remembers me!" Well, it is kinda rare cuz ppl do not usually rmb their relatives' friends' names. XD Anyway, it was nice of her to remember me. :) I took her to the general office. Apparently, there was something like a gathering??? She did not tell me :( Haha, there were like parents gathered there so maybe something like a school exchange?

So, after softball training, I was SUPPOSED to help out for some CIP thingy. But then! Joelle told me that there were enough ppl there helping already so I need not come. I was kinda irritated seriously cuz I did not know that I needed to go yesterday to find out what to do at first. >:( Haiz. The misery of life~~~~ JKJK. Anyway, so I went to buy macs to collect the sticker thingy for monopoly!!!!!! Haha. XD

While on the way back on the bus, I saw a mother and her daughter. The situation is like this. The daughter is chattering non-stop on the bus. The daughter disturbs her mother and keeps saying, "I wanna go up! I wanna go up and sit." The mother gets angry and says harshly, "Shut up!"
My first thought was, "The poor girl! How can the mother scold the daughter like that?" Then, it hit me. I should not draw to conclusions too quickly like that. I should not sympathise immediately with the little girl just because she is innocent. Well, so what if the girl may not be in the wrong? But it DOES NOT mean that the mother is to blame. The mother is just irritated after a hard day. What's more, the daughter may have been complaining all the way from Orchard road to here. The mother could not stand it any longer and bursts out.
So, who is to be blamed? NONE. I just realised that people, namely Man, like to find fault with someone. They just NEED to. An example: The Mayans predict that the end of the world is gonna come in year 2012. People do not really believe this as there is no concrete proof. However, IF that day really comes, the people will start to blame the government for not taking precautions. Situations like this always happen. We just blame someone to make ourselves feel better. We feel better when we think that we are not the cause of such unfortunate events. However, there is the cause and effect theory. EVERYTHING is the cause of something. From the dinosaur age to now, everything affects everything. I may say something was caused by Jane. Jane will say it was caused by May who told her to go. May would say it was someone else who suggested it. In the end, the blame ends up with someone we do not even know.
K, now I feel weird. Cuz I am writing all this funny stuff about chim stuff that I find weird writing. -.-'''

Haiz. This is life indeed.

~everything connects

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